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Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) need to be notified of heat pump installations so they know the number of installations on the network and can support further planning arrangements. Heat pumps can use a large amount of electricity at certain times and the DNO can manage their network more efficiently to maintain a secure supply. This can be completed by the homeowner or the installer.

The two DNOs in Scotland are:

Scottish Power Energy Networks – central belt and borders

Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks – north of Scotland

There are also independent DNOs who own, operate and maintain newer parts of the electricity grid.

Installer inspecting pipework for heat pump installation.

There are two available routes for heat pump notification, and these should be checked with the DNO and the heat pump database maintained by the Energy Networks Association (ENA).

  1. Connect and notify – the installation can proceed with notification following the installation.
  2. Apply to connect – approval is required prior to installation.

This information can be provided by the heat pump manufacturer and is available on the ENA database. Follow the heat pump flow chart on the ENA website for further guidance

A list of DNOs can be found here:

Prior to installation, the consumer unit and main incoming fuse (ie 60 or 100 amps) for the property should be inspected. Things to check:

  • available space in the consumer unit for additional connections
  • maximum demand
  • meter type
  • MPAN number
  • if the main cable is a looped supply
Installer working on a heat pump.